This is my first blog, and honestly it is more for me than anyone else. My entire life I have been sick . . . constant head pain, nausea, vomiting - I really don't need to get into all my symptoms yet. I wasn't diagnosed until I was 24, married, and had a one year old son. Then someone decides to tell me I need to have brain surgery. My brain was herniated through the whole at the base of my skull and hanging out all the way down to my second cervical vertebrae, this is called Arnold Chiari Malformation type 1. Seriously, no wonder my head has hurt every minute of my life since age twelve! So, the lovely photo up above is me seven days post surgery for my cranial cervical fusion, june 2006. I will not be posting any other scary pictures after this one, but if your going to understand why I would call myself "zipperhead" this is a must see.
I really, truly love my life. I am thirty years old, have a great husband, and a six year old son that amazes me everyday. I get to wake up every day and be part of their lives - there are so many people out there much worse off than me. Most of the time this is easy to remember, but some days its a little harder. So, this is for me. This blog is for me to remember on the bad days it will get better. On the good days it will remind me to appreciate how good life truly is.
As my best friend, I have seen you go thru a lot. You always amaze me with your positive outlook. I wish that I could be half as strong as you are!I am so proud of you! Thank you for being such a wonderful person and for being my friend. All my love!