Everyday we make choices in life- what to wear, how to raise our children, what to eat, how to spend our money, and the list goes on. Some of these choices are little things, and some are big enough to change your life forever. Many grownups make bad choices bringing consequences that aren't usually wanted, but always seem catch you in the end. Yet there are others that make all the right choices, treat others with kindness, do their best to make a good life, and in the end life hands them a game changer.
I know all about game changers with a health history like mine. Often people will talk to me about how amazing/healthy I look, or they "can't believe how well you're doing after all those surgeries!" What they don't know is inside I'm in pain, right that very second, and I probably just want to go lay down some where. My other dirty little secret is I may be good at looking "normal" in public, but when I get home, I'll lay down for twice as long as I was out of the house. I have been in pain for every second since I was twelve years old and I'm really good at hiding it. . . I don't need my son to see me like that every second of the day, I don't need everyone feeling sorry for me every time I leave the house, I also don't want to be the downer every time I see my friends/family. My eyes tend to give me away, but you have to look closely;)
Obviously, I am not the only person in pain, or having difficulty in my world. Some people have no control over their discomfort and I am more than happy to support them in their time of need. However, being that my situation is completely out of my control and I do everything I can do to make the best with what I have- I get frustrated when people I love make choices that lead to discomfort, and then want me to support them in their mess. If you want my support, shouldn't you be willing to help yourself also? Whether it is a health or personal matter, don't act so surprised when your life is spiraling out of control and you had a hundred warning signs along the way. I mean really, did you think not taking care of yourself might magically fix all your health problems? I know several doctors that have said otherwise repeatedly. Or this little shocker - when someone decides they don't want to be married to their husband anymore, they shouldn't expect him to continue financial support.
I know, I'm being harsh, it just really irritates me. Don't get me wrong, I've made bad choices, I've done things that I'm not proud of and regret. I also took responsibility for those actions and was honest with myself about how I ended up there.
I guess what I'm saying is - life is hard enough without our help. When you make choices that lead you down a hard road, own up to it and do something to change it for the better. We all make mistakes, that's how we learn - unless you're not learning, because you think you know better;)