Apr 29, 2009

Feeling Good (:

I stood on the beach in the hot sun and just watched - I watched the tide roll in and then out again, I watched a sea gull chase a small sandpiper off the sand and into the air, I watched my son search for shells on the sandbar with my father. As I sat and took in my surroundings I thought to myself, "Remember. Remember this moment on the days when the rain won't stop, and I can feel the pressure rising in my skull." In that moment I made a place in my mind I can retreat to anytime I need to remember life is more than this. Life is about the best moments - the ones filled with family, and friends, the ones filled with simple but true happiness. Hopefully all the bad days filled with stress and pain can be washed away by the memories made in the sun and sand. I love those days in the sun with my son, father, uncle, and aunt. We spend all our time enjoying life and each other - it just doesn't get much better than that!


  1. jennifer ~ I wanted to stop by and introduce myself as a sister brain tail and TCI patient, too ~ I wanted to encourage you to keep blogging ~ There are so many chiarian out there who are just swallowed up by the pain and the aftermath of surgeries. moments like these are precious when you have stepped back and can get perspective on your chiari journey and savor these precious moments in life. have a great day ` Lace

  2. I too am a proud member of the zipper head club. Had my decomp 6 months ago. Waiting news on my latest cine MRI to see if I need the decomp again. The burning poker feeling you described is getting worse again. Just wanted to let you know the comfort I felt in finding your blog. I too get up each morning and press on and hold onto those rare moments when I am having one of those rare gifts that is a somewhat manageable day. My prayers and thougths are with you. Take care. Just wanted you to know I enjoyed your blog.
