My son, Logan, started first grade last week. To his delight he new several of the children in his class, and he had already met his new teacher several times. I on the other hand was NOT ready for him to start first grade. . . thirty five hours a week without my son?!? For a couple days I seriously contemplated home school, but if you know my son you would understand that he will be smarter than me by fifth grade. Logan is part of the gifted program at his school, and the only first grader in second grade advanced reading. The funny part is he is reading at a much higher level than that - he reads as well as I do. He does just about everything on a higher level than other six year olds. I am very proud of my son, and I have not pushed him at all to read, do math or learn unbelievable amounts of information. He decided at three that he wanted to be a paleontologist and has learned everything he can about prehistoric life . . . its not just about the dinosaurs.
Being disabled and currently symptomatic it has been a rough transition for me. I can't physically handle a regular job, I can't have another baby yet . . . I am just on hold. I miss Logan. . . we spent our days reading, playing, and having adventures. He helped me to feel useful, even on my worst days. He is why I get out bed on days I don't think its possible. Don't get me wrong - I want him to grow, learn, and one day have a wonderful life of his own, but I miss my baby boy sometimes. I have loved being stay at home mom. I have thanked God everyday for every second of that child's life and that I have been there to be part of it.
This is just a turn in the road on my journey through life - I know I will find my way.
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