One of the most frustrating parts is finding and accepting my limits. My body will only tolerate so much before it just decides to stop . . . my leg starts to hurt, my cranial pressure rises, my back aches, or a number of other possibilities. I want to do more, I want to go back to work, or be PTO president - but I can't guarantee from one day to the next I will feel well enough to take on the task at hand. Do you know how disappointing that is for me? In my head I can do it all, but my body just doesn't agree all the time.
This was not the plan. I was going to be a great mother, great massage therapist, and amazing wife - then things changed, life happened and the plan fell apart. I know - "the best plans often do", but when its your plan that phrase is NOT comforting.
So, all I can do is wake up each morning and try. I choose to enjoy my life, even though I have plenty of excuses to never leave my bed. I am in pain every second of every day, so some days I have to give in and just stop. Finding and excepting my limitations is an ongoing battle, but most days I win!