May 4, 2011

Time to get mov'in

I've been trying to get going again. Trying to get on a healthy schedule of more sleep, physical therapy, meditation, writing, eating well, and staying organized. It sounds so easy, why does it feel SO hard?
Sleep has always been a challenge due to my nerve damage, so that is a work in progress. Writing has always helped me clear my head, I have been using this blog and a journal almost daily since I decided to get my life back in order. The rest of the list is a little different story...
I know daily PT(physical therapy) will help feel stronger, and have more energy, but its hard to force myself on the days I'm in a lot of pain. That is top priority right now, because physical therapy will allow me to have the energy to do all the other things required for me to function.
I've been reading a book about the medical benefits of frequent meditation, "Meditation as Medicine" by Dharma Singh Khalsa. I've been meditating, just not as frequently as I should. I will say, it makes a difference. I truly believe your mind, body, and soul benefit from this ancient practice. There is a lot of scientific information to back up that belief, and the book is filled with examples.
Eating well seems easy, I feed my son VERY healthfully, but those sweet cravings and bag of chips in the cupboard make it hard. On top of the normal diet issues, I am nauseous most of the time which makes eating unappealing.
My last goal, and probably the hardest for me personally, is getting/staying organized. I have a little difficulty staying focused on one task, a little attention deficit. My home is usually clean, but a bit cluttered... some papers here, miscellaneous things there, and it can get overwhelming fast. I have started this process, but it is also hard for me to get rid of things - clothes, books, toys, anything we might need later. (I am trying to be brutally honest with myself, and that is one of my blind spots.) I realize it can be irrational, but my parents taught me to keep things as long as its in good condition, reuse what you can, and don't waste money replacing what you already had. From here on out, I will do my best to get organized and let go of the clutter.
Life is hard enough to keep up with for "normal" people, being in constant pain has really slowed me down. My husband made a comment once about me moving slow while doing the dishes. . . I told him not to pick on a disabled person;) I move slow no matter what I'm doing, and thats okay. Running, jumping, moving quickly - not really my thing anymore. I take it slow and easy:)
Cheer me on, pray for me, hope I can find the strength to follow through on all my goals! Let's face it, I need all the help I can get.

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