Jun 16, 2011

A day in the sun

Today was one of those almost perfect days - one that I hope to have many more of this summer. Logan and I were lazy most of the morning, playing cards and watching cartoons. After lunch we met one of my closest friends, Angie, and headed to my dad's for an afternoon on the lake. The weather was not too hot, but warm enough to swim and play in the water. We loaded the cooler, put on our sunscreen and stopped by my uncle's dock to pick him up. Then, we took a nice cruise to show Angie part of the lake, and beached the boat on a small island for Logan and Gordon to play.

I think I've mentioned my dad and uncle were stay-at-home dads, so we have spent a lot of time together my entire life. Now they are both mostly retired and I love being able to spend time with them on a regular basis - its no secret I'm a daddy's girl and my uncle has always been like a second dad. We have a lot of fun together, Logan loves spending time with both of them, and we have made so many amazing memories over the years. I cannot imagine what life will be without the three of them to laugh with, swim with, or just hanging out in the summer sun and be silly. We're kindred spirits, my dad, my son, my uncle, my cousin, and me - we love our summers, we love our lake, we love our time together.

My life is hard. . . it is filled with pain, nausea, vomiting, joint pain year round, but in the heat of the sun I feel a little better. In the summer I feel a little less miserable, and I feel blessed to be able to take advantage of that time with some of the people that mean the most to me in life. I've always said that I have plenty of reasons to be thankful - these people, these memories, these almost perfect days top that list.

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